Drug Abuse

Akansha Sahay
December 15, 2022
Children are precious and innocent, and we want to shield them from bad influences that they may come across in their lives. However, as they grow up, they will be exposed to many things, both good and bad. So, wouldn’t it be better if we start having conversations about things like cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs while they still look up…

Akansha Sahay
August 30, 2023
12-Step Programs for Sex Addiction Recovery: A Comprehensive Guide Jatin has always felt a relentless pull towards his desires, a compulsive need that consumed his thoughts and actions. For years, he battled in silence, grappling with the overwhelming grip of sex addiction. The stigma surrounding his condition weighed heavily on him, making him feel isolated and ashamed. Friends and family…

Akansha Sahay
August 29, 2023
A diligent worker and loving family man, Jeevan found himself ensnared in an unexpected battle. A trusted doctor prescribed him a seemingly harmless painkiller for his persistent back pain. Unbeknownst to John, this prescription drug was highly addictive. Initially, it offered solace from pain, but soon, he craved it for reasons beyond physical agony. His life began to spiral out…

Akansha Sahay
August 22, 2023
Sudha, a 40-year-old homemaker, felt persistently sad, lost her interest in household activities and stopped going out with her friends. She used to be enthusiastic about creating a nurturing home, but she now struggled to find any motivation to eat her food. Her husband and children think that she might just be bored. But only Sudha knows what her real…

Akansha Sahay
July 22, 2023
Addiction is a serious problem that affects not only the person struggling with it but also those around them. You might know a child or teenager who is going through a tough time because of parental addiction. Whether you're a family member, guardian, teacher, or coach, you may feel unsure about how to help the child or if you should…

Akansha Sahay
June 28, 2023
Karan's life spiralled into addiction, leaving him broken and isolated. Seeking help, he enrolled in therapy, where he found understanding and guidance. Through therapy, he uncovered the root causes of his addiction and learned healthier coping mechanisms. With support from group sessions, Karan realised he wasn't alone and gained strength from shared experiences. Today, he continues his recovery journey, embracing…

Akansha Sahay
May 22, 2023
Body dysmorphia, a mental health condition characterized by a preoccupation with perceived flaws in one's appearance, can have a significant impact on an individual's well-being and quality of life. While it is normal to have some insecurities about one's appearance, body dysmorphia goes beyond that, leading to excessive distress and impairment in daily functioning. Seeking professional help is crucial for…

Akansha Sahay
April 14, 2023
“You might feel really hungry, or you might feel like passing out. But mostly, it will be the best feeling ever,” said a Quora user when asked, “How does it feel after smoking weed?” Many people report feeling happy or relaxed, but weed can also cause some negative effects like anxiety and paranoia.  Please note that Marijuana is illegal in…

Akansha Sahay
February 28, 2023
What is DBT DBT is one of the most popular psychotherapies today. It was traditionally developed by Dr Marsha Linehan to treat people with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Today, it is used to treat various other mental health illnesses like depression, stress, anxiety and also substance abuse. It is an evidence-based therapy with many kinds of research showing its efficacy…

Akansha Sahay
February 22, 2023
  If you had three wishes, would you use one — or all of them — to change your physical appearance? If you would, chances are you are not alone.   A study published in the Body Image journal and reported by the online edition of Time Magazine reveals that men and women are equally unhappy about their appearance. And if…

Akansha Sahay
January 23, 2023
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or CBT, is one of the most popular forms of psychotherapy mostly used in one-on-one counselling sessions. As the name suggests, CBT is based on a mix of cognitive (mental processes like thoughts) and behavioural approaches. This therapy was started by Aron Beck in the 1960s.  CBT helps identify negative thought patterns that impact your emotions and…

Akansha Sahay
September 19, 2023
7 Benefits of Getting Mental Health & Addiction Treatment in India A remarkable shift has occurred in the mental health and addiction treatment world in recent years. More and more individuals from around the globe are turning their attention towards India as a destination for healing and recovery. If you need help with your mental health or addiction, you might…

Akansha Sahay
December 15, 2022
Mental illnesses and addiction issues are some of the most serious problems that affect human society. However, harmful stereotypes around it make it impossible for people to talk about it, let alone ask for help. Thankfully, in the last few years, conversations around mental health and addiction are moving from the private space to the public domain. With more and…

Akansha Sahay
November 13, 2022
Substance use disorder (SUD) can be termed as a chronic relapsing medical illness with relapses and remissions and a strong genetic component. Long-term chronic drug addiction requires a holistic treatment that includes pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, and to an extent, exercise and diet. How does pharmacotherapy for addiction work? In simple terms, pharmacotherapy (pharmacology) is the treatment of a disorder/disease/health condition with…

Akansha Sahay
October 17, 2022
Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder in which the person experiences episodes where their mood, energy and activity level change significantly. Approximately 46 million people suffer from bipolar disorder around the globe, according to a 2017 report. There are many different treatment options for bipolar and most people recover with a combination of these. What is Bipolar disorder? Bipolar disorder…

Akansha Sahay
October 7, 2022
When it comes to drug addiction treatment, one would think of treatment methods like medically assisted detoxification, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, 12-step programs and so on. Very rarely do we hear about ayurvedic treatment for addiction problems. Maybe it is because we assume addiction to be a western disease and hence western treatments. However, drugs and alcohol were available even in…

Akansha Sahay
October 6, 2022
Gaurav had always been an overachiever. He was an academic genius in school and college, as well as a sports enthusiast. By the age of 32, he was the youngest CEO of the international technology company he worked for. So, it came as a shock when news reached his friends and colleagues about his admission to a drug rehab centre.…

Akansha Sahay
October 2, 2022
National Anti-Drug Addiction day is celebrated on the 2nd of October of every year in India. Every child in India knows that the 2nd of October is celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti. One of the reasons why National Anti-Drug Addiction day is celebrated on the same day is because Gandhi Ji condemned the use of drugs. On this day, people across…

Akansha Sahay
September 30, 2022
Anxiety is something that each and every person is familiar with. It is a body’s natural response to stress. However, for some people, anxiety may be more persistent and disproportionate to the amount of stress they face. This can leave them feeling miserable and affect their overall functioning.  The ICD 11 categorises Anxiety disorders into the following: Generalized Anxiety DisorderPanic…

Akansha Sahay
September 18, 2022
What is the 12 steps program? 12 steps treatment is one of the most popular treatment methods available for addiction. It is a mutual-aid program for all types of addictions and compulsions. Many rehab centres in India incorporate this approach into their treatment plan.  It is conducted through a support group system. This helps them connect with people who are…

Akansha Sahay
August 31, 2022
Battling addiction is a tough ordeal! While it is great to have the support of your friends and family, for some, that may not be an option. There is still not much education about drug addiction and how it is a disease that needs medical attention and care. Most people, especially the older generation, still view drug addiction as a…

Akansha Sahay
December 23, 2023
How Long It Takes to Rewire the Brain from Addiction and What to Expect Addiction exerts a profound impact on the intricate workings of the brain, redefining its very structure and function. From the immediate rush of pleasure to the enduring alterations in neural circuitry, addiction poses a complex array of effects that linger long after the substance is absent.…

Akansha Sahay
April 23, 2024
Drug abuse is a growing concern in India, as highlighted by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment's recent report on the "National Survey on Extent and Pattern of Substance Use in India" (2019). The report reveals that 16 crore people (14.6%) aged between 10 and 75 years are current alcohol users. Additionally, Mumbai recorded the highest number of cases…

Akansha Sahay
New technology can help a lot in dealing with substance use problems. They can be used to assess, prevent, treat, and help people recover from these disorders. Using technology can create new ways to provide mental health care, both within formal systems like hospitals and outside of them.  Internet-based technologies can now blend the effectiveness of proven treatments with the…

Akansha Sahay
April 6, 2024
In recent years, traditional Indian healing practices have been experiencing a resurgence in popularity and recognition. Many of these age-old healing methods, such as Ayurveda, yoga, and meditation, were pushed into the background as modern medicine and therapy gained prominence. However, there has been a noticeable shift towards embracing and promoting these ancient practices once again.  People are increasingly drawn…

Akansha Sahay
April 2, 2024
Opioids are a class of powerful drugs that are primarily used for pain relief. They work by binding to opioid receptors in the brain, spinal cord, and other areas of the body to reduce the perception of pain. While opioids can be highly effective in managing severe pain, they also carry a high risk of addiction and misuse. Common opioids…

Akansha Sahay
February 27, 2024
Relationships can be a rollercoaster, with their highs and lows. It's natural to face challenges, but understanding the difference between a rough patch and a toxic relationship is crucial. In this blog, we're going to explore the signs that can help you distinguish between a healthy connection and a toxic one. Why? Recognising these signs is the first step towards…

Akansha Sahay
February 8, 2024
Sticking to Your New Year's Resolutions and Forming New Habits As the euphoria of the New Year begins to settle, many of us find ourselves entangled in the intricate web of resolutions and newfound determination. Whether shedding those extra pounds, embracing a healthier lifestyle, or conquering professional goals, the journey to self-improvement often begins with the resolute promise of a…

Akansha Sahay
January 24, 2024
Many of us share the common experience of growing up in a home where festivals played a significant role, offering a break from studies and providing moments of joy around delicious food and family gatherings. However, as life unfolds, many of us are separated from those familiar festivities, unable to be with our families during holidays. Reasons for this can…

Akansha Sahay
January 19, 2024
Mental health, often overlooked in the past, is now gaining the attention it deserves. Understanding whether insurance covers mental health services is a critical step in addressing mental health concerns. In India, there has been a significant shift in recognising the importance of mental health, and insurance coverage has expanded to encompass a broader range of mental health services. Types…

Akansha Sahay
December 30, 2023
The holiday gathering was a swirl of laughter and clinking glasses, but for Arpit, it was a balancing act between joy and commitment. The smell of beer and champagne brought back memories, testing the resolve forged in sobriety. Surrounded by warmth and cheer, every offer of a drink became a tug-of-war between fitting in and staying true to a hard-won…

Akansha Sahay
August 23, 2022
What is drug tolerance? The word tolerance means the ability to endure a condition without any adverse reactions. When we are subjected to unfavourable situations over and over, we develop a tolerance for it. Eventually, the effect of those situations on us reduces. This phenomenon also happens with most addictive substances.  Think about the first time you consumed alcohol. You…

Akansha Sahay
December 23, 2023
Drug addiction is a pervasive and deeply impactful issue that transcends boundaries, affecting individuals and families. There are millions grappling with the physical, psychological, and social repercussions of substance abuse. According to data from the National Centre for Drug Abuse Prevention (NISD0,) 16 crore people are current users of alcohol, and 5.2% of them are alcohol dependent. Beyond the immediate…

Akansha Sahay
November 29, 2023
In today's frenetic pace, yoga emerges as a vital sanctuary for mental health. Its fusion of movement, breath, and mindfulness forms a powerful antidote to stress. Through deliberate poses and meditation, yoga reduces cortisol levels, easing tension and anxiety. It nurtures resilience, enhancing clarity and emotional balance. This ancient practice not only strengthens the body but also cultivates a profound…

Akansha Sahay
November 28, 2023
In today's fast-paced world, stress has become a pervasive issue affecting individuals from all walks of life. Stress can lead to a range of physical and emotional health problems, making it crucial to prioritise mental health. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), chronic stress can contribute to conditions like anxiety, depression, and even cardiovascular diseases. Mental health plays a…

Akansha Sahay
October 22, 2023
13 Ways to Manage Caregiver Stress & Burnout Explore practical strategies for caregivers to prioritize self-care, find support, and maintain well-being while caring for loved ones. Introduction Taking care of a loved one is a noble yet challenging task that can be emotionally draining. Caregiver stress is a common problem worldwide. This article discusses the significance of managing caregiver stress…

Akansha Sahay
Mental health in India is gradually gaining recognition and support, with increasing efforts to reduce stigma and enhance access to services. There are many challenges, such as a significant treatment gap, limited access to mental health services, and enduring stigma surrounding mental illnesses. The country grapples with a shortage of mental health professionals, particularly in rural areas, leading to inadequate…

Akansha Sahay
October 18, 2023
What are the 17 symptoms of PTSD? Explore the 17 symptoms of PTSD. Understand the emotional, psychological, and physical signs of post-traumatic stress disorder and its impact on individuals. What are the 17 symptoms of PTSD? Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can manifest within a month following a traumatic event, though some symptoms may not…

Akansha Sahay
Can You Get Addicted to Caffeine? Caffeine has become an inseparable part of our lives in a world that thrives on a cup of coffee to kickstart the day or a soothing tea to unwind in the evening. But can you get addicted to caffeine? If yes, how long does it take to get addicted? This blog covers signs of…

Akansha Sahay
October 4, 2023
Discover how ibogaine, a natural psychoactive substance, is used in addiction treatment. Explore its benefits, safety considerations, and role in helping treat addiction. How Ibogaine is Being Used to Treat Addiction Ibogaine, one of the psychoactive indole alkaloids found in West Africa possesses antiaddictive properties. Several studies have claimed Ibogaine being used as a treatment for opiate, alcohol, cocaine and…

Akansha Sahay
September 22, 2023
Marilyn Monroe died of a barbiturate overdose in 1962, as did famous Indian Mathematician C P Ramanujam in 1974.  Barbiturates are a type of sedative-hypnotic drug that slow down the brain and body. They are often used in antiepileptics. Sleeping pills, and for inducing anaesthesia. In some states, barbiturates are also used for physician-assisted suicide and capital punishment by lethal…

February 17, 2012
DELHI: Last Monday a comprehensive national policy to aid in the curbing of drug abuse was announced by finance minister, Pranab Mukherjee. The policy responds to the intensifying drug menace in India, and represents India's strong commitment of rising to the challenge presented by substance abuse in our country. India: A Magnet for Substance Abuse As a country sandwiched between…

September 23, 2012
[...this is a continuation of our blog series: "Most Popular Drugs in India." Read our first post discussing Tobacco use in India] The United Nations recently declared India as southern Asia's biggest consumer of heroin, in a comprehensive drug report. Often thought of as an ideal transit point for countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan or Nepal, most of the drugs in…

July 6, 2012
Think about a time when you did something that you didn't want anyone else to know about. We've all been there. And we all have tactics to avoid revealing what we've done. Especially in the early stages of an addiction, drug and alcohol addicts discover themselves consistently hiding the truth. Many addicts develop strategies and ways to get around telling…

June 16, 2012
Addiction is almost always kept under wraps. That's the only way to maintain it—lie about it. And besides, to admit your addiction would hurt your reputation. And you don't want to do that. Or do you? The Honest Truth About Addiction What if I told you that being completely honest with yourself was the only way you'll ever even begin…

May 30, 2012
From 2007 to 2010 more people registered into Maharashtra De-Addiction programmes than any other state in the country. The Union ministry of social justice and empowerment kept records on those treated and recorded close to 44,000 people. These 44,000 represent only a fraction of those in need of treatment. Even with the available treatment, it seems the numbers of addicts…

May 15, 2012
Hope Trust has recently established an exclusive women's treatment facility. We interviewed Rahul Luther, the director of this establishment, in order to learn more about the situation and the way that Hope Trust intends to address the needs of women in Hyderabad and throughout the country. Hope Trust, one of India's foremost deaddiction centres is opening an exclusive women's facility…

April 17, 2012
It's no secret: recovering from addiction isn't easy. In fact, it's probably one of the most difficult things you or your loved one will ever have to go through. Here are ten tips that should help you through the recovery process. 1. One day at a time. As you begin to recover from your problem don't focus on the fact…

April 15, 2012
Have you ever felt all alone? Maybe hundreds of people surrounded you. Maybe even your loving family or a close friend was nearby, but that feeling of loneliness wouldn't leave you—it almost felt like there was no one else in world. No one to talk to. No one to relate with… This is how many addicts feel: alone in their…

April 5, 2012
A UP roadways bus heading towards Meerut on Tuesday night had more than just passengers on board. 500 ml of cobra venom accompanied by two live snakes (a baby python and a sand boa) were seized from the bus by the Delhi police. The bottle of venom, estimated at Rs 2 crore, was discovered in the travel bag of passengers…

March 10, 2012
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels When a loved one becomes a lost one, and you feel as if you've been replaced by a powdery substance, a pill, or a bottle—what do you do? …what can you do to help?? Before we get into the details of understanding an addict, think about how people develop the ability to help. How does a teacher…

Executive Burnout - Working the Marathon Shift
February 15, 2013
Anyone who has run a marathon can echo these words, "long-distance running is no cakewalk." In fact, running those 42 kilometers places your body under such pressure and fatigue that an individual often needs up to two to three months to recover fully. This may seem like a long time, it did to me at first. But that three month…

February 3, 2012
"It's as if we're sitting on a time bomb that can explode at any time." Dr. JPS Bhatia, a local doctor who has run a Punjab rehab clinic for the last 15 years, said this regarding the drug menace in Punjab. [ref] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-11925617[/ref] And as the impact of the 2012 elections continue to develop, the (drug) bomb seems to be…

January 24, 2012
Have you ever been stunned by the power of illicit drugs? Have you watched a drug destroy a friend or family member? Maybe you or someone you love is addicted right now. Cocaine is often the culprit of these intense addictions, and frequently elicits short and long term effects that can tear the fabric of a family, a life, or…

quit smoking
January 13, 2012
You've seen the pictures: a cigarette pressed between grey and yellow teeth, human lungs blackened from the effects of smoking, a dejected man blowing smoke between his brown lips – images like these show us the effects of smoking; they tell us the facts. But even facts are often sidelined when dealing with addiction, and common sense fades into the…

November 29, 2011
Cocaine embodies a certain status symbol and has developed a reputation for those who use it in India. Cocaine users are known in India as the country's "Thin Upper Crust." With its exclusively high price tag and scarcity in India, those who can come to possess cocaine are often elevated quickly to an elite social status in some circles. Cocaine…

non-medical effects of drug abuse in India
November 15, 2011
Father sits inside waiting for the effect of his ecstasy pills to kick in. He lost his job two months ago. Mother rolls bidis under a homemade cloth tent outside trying to make ends meet for the family. Their two children would rather occupy the streets of Punjab looking for relief from their difficult life than experiencing the hardships of…

November 4, 2011
Is drug abuse becoming the sixth flowing river in the State of Five Rivers? What is happening to Punjab? Punjab represents a sacred portion of our country. The rich history of this ancient land has given its people a sense of native pride. Punjab is a blessed region of India that once stood witness to countless victories and triumphs. Preserved…

Drug Abuse Among the Indian Youth
August 29, 2020
As the drug epidemic continues to painstakingly seep into the country's social and cultural aspects, drug abuse naturally trickles into our younger generation – a generation refusing to be left out. Making up one-fifth of the population, 15-24 year-olds carry with them India's future. The youth of our nation will eventually determine the country's moral, political, and social persuasions. Bearing…

Women and Drug Abuse in India - A Growing Challenge
September 30, 2011
In the last thirty years, use of illegal drugs has exploded into a global epidemic. Permeating into nearly every cultural and social class, there isn't a nation in the world that doesn't struggle with drug abuse on some level. A related UN report concluded that perhaps the biggest concern surrounding substance abuse is the impression it makes on those most…

September 22, 2011
Dad came home one night with a brown paper bag in his left hand. The bag had small black letters on it; I couldn't quite make out what it said. His face wore a conceited smile as he rushed to his bedroom. Before I could ask him how his day was the door shut behind him. I heard him dump…

Akansha Sahay
May 3, 2022
In today’s world, your smartphone is an integral part of your life. If you are like most people, you probably can not imagine leaving the house without your phone. According to reports, we spend about 7 hours on the internet on a daily basis. Out of that, we spend about 2 hours and 30 minutes on social media. In a…

Akansha Sahay
July 29, 2022
India is facing a serious drug addiction problem. According to the ministry of social justice and empowerment, there were 250 drug addicts for every 100,000 Indians about a decade back. This number has only been rising. In India, children as young as 15 years old are abusing drugs. However, the mean age of drug abusers is around thirty-five, and almost…

Akansha Sahay
July 15, 2022
Romantic breakups have been the fodder for many books and movie plots. From Saratchandra Chattopadhyay’s tragic story of Devdas to the fairly recent Bollywood movie “Queen”. In the book Devdas, Devdas drinks himself to death after losing Paro, his only true love. On the other hand, in the movie Queen, “Rani” played by Kangana Ranaut, overcomes her grief of being…

Akansha Sahay
Addiction is often seen as a problem that only men go through. Sadly, even research on addiction primarily focuses on males. In the US, it is estimated that about 42% of drug users are women. Though addiction is more prevalent in males, the difference is not large.  There are many more challenges that women face in their journey through addiction.…

Akansha Sahay
July 5, 2022
Our brain is the most complex part of the body, and everything that we do is directed by the mechanism in our brain. To explain it better, if our body were a movie set, our brain would be the movie director, our internal organs, the producers and our external features and limbs would be the actors. So, if the movie…

Akansha Sahay
June 29, 2022
There are many myths about addiction and treatment. This kind of misinformation gives birth to stigma. Stigma can come in the way of people seeking help and making things more difficult for them. If you know someone struggling with addiction, it’s important to know the right facts before trying to help them. In this blog, we list down some of…

Akansha Sahay
Movies are not only a source of entertainment but also a source of inspiration, they arouse emotions and motivate us to reflect on our lives. Here is a list of movies one can watch to understand how addiction affects people’s lives. These recovery stories can inspire people during their own recovery. If you are someone struggling with addiction some of…

Akansha Sahay
June 27, 2022
Leaving Las Vegas, Trainspotting and Requiem for a dream are some of the most hard-hitting films that depict substance abuse and its consequences. One thing that is common in almost all these movies is that the actors who play the roles of addicts are thin, gaunt and look extremely malnourished. The reason for this is art imitates life and in…

Akansha Sahay
May 20, 2022
Rishab and Ayush were at the same rehabilitation centre for their drug addiction issues. They were offered standardized treatment for addiction along with personal counselling sessions. At the end of 6 months, both were released from care, however, while Rishab continued to stay clean even months after release, Ayush had a non-fatal overdose within weeks of release. While there are…

Akansha Sahay
May 17, 2022
“We should make it clear that getting help isn’t a sign of weakness—it’s a sign of strength.” - Michelle Obama One in four people suffers from a mental illness in a given year. The prevalence of stigma in this area comes in the way of people seeking treatment. A study showed that about 47% of people express higher judgment towards…

Are Needle and Syringe Programmes Effective for Harm Reduction
September 13, 2011
As illegal drug use continues to pose pandemic-like threats to countries around the world, governments seem to be losing hope in their ultimate purpose for drug abusers: abstaining from illegal drugs. Complete Abstinence? Though total abstinence is a commendable and necessary goal, governments are beginning to view the ambition as impossible. As a result, harm reduction, a program recently employed…

Akansha Sahay
April 26, 2022
Humans have used addictive psychoactive substances since ancient times. They were used by priests in religious ceremonies to reach states of dissociative trance and by healers for medicinal purposes with opium being the drug of choice. The general population also partook in addictive substances like alcohol, nicotine and caffeine which were more socially accepted. The problems of addiction started arising…

Akansha Sahay
April 19, 2022
Inpatient vs Outpatient Rehab Treatment. Which is a better option? There comes a point in life where any person with addiction has to choose between recovery with rehab or continuing on the path of substance abuse and risk mental and physical breakdown and even death. At this crucial juncture, it is often the family and friends who decide on behalf…

Akansha Sahay
March 30, 2022
Narcotics Anonymous, also called as NA, is a 12-step program similar to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) where individuals with drug addiction problems can seek support in the recovery and healing process. The support is often offered by recovering drug addicts or individuals who have overcome their drug addictions.   Thousands of NA members hold roughly 76,000 closed and open narcotics anonymous…

April 20, 2021
Introduction Cocaine or Coke is a stimulant drug mostly found as a white powder. People consume it by snorting, smoking, injecting, or rubbing on the gums. Cocaine is highly addictive because it has a high potential of causing dependence.  When used, cocaine changes brain chemistry and causes various physical, psychological, and behavioural changes, including some short term and long term…

Cocaine is an illicit, powerful stimulant drug. Repeated abuse of cocaine leads one to cocaine addiction. The risk to physical and mental health is high in this case. Most people use cocaine for the euphoric rush in the brain. If a person snorts, smokes, or injects cocaine – the level of dopamine and euphoria increases. There are ways you can…

Can I get addiction treatment during the COVID-19 lockdown in India?
April 1, 2020
What to look for and how to find help for addiction and mental health amidst India’s coronavirus crisis As the COVID-19 situation has developed and affected all of us, we quickly realised that even amidst the lockdown, people around the country would still need mental health and addiction treatment. In fact, many of the situations we all are going through…

December 14, 2014
They live in the shadows. Maybe you've seen them. They follow each other to dark corners, hands full of poison. Used needles and stained prescription bottles litter these corners. In tight huddles, they look at each other--bloodshot eyes--they inhale the poison. Some jab their arms with thin needles to empty syringes filled with cocktails of toxins. Others sit on black…

Drugs that can kill you in 5 minutes
January 6, 2014
If you are considering suicide, you are not alone. Confidential help is available for free. Call 91-9820466726 View Suicide.org's list of hotlines for help in all states → People use drugs to briefly step out of reality. Addicts light up to escape the real world for a moment. An alcoholic takes another drink to revisit that "better place" the beverage…

Akansha Sahay
October 14, 2021
Most of us know of at least one friend or a relative who smokes cigarettes or drinks alcohol or both. Some of us even know of people who may or may not be from within our friend or family circle, who abuse other forms of illegal substances like cannabis. In fact, over 160 million Indians consume alcohol, approximately 120 million…